Connect With Our Staff

Tammy Grad Trip Planning Specialist

CEO and Group Sales Specialist

Tammy has over 35 years of experience planning and running graduation events. These are her passion! In addition she has over 25 years’ experience running Corporate "Team Building" events and group ski trips to Tahoe.
Email: (its an image to keep the pesky spambots from capturing another email)
IT and Accounting

CIO and Controller

Rob has over 25 years in IT administration and accounting experience. You may also seem him helping out with running trips! Watch for Rob during your next trip.
Email: (another spambot resistant address!)

Support Staff

Carrie is relatively new to our organization but is turning into a key go to person in any travel crisis.
Email: (spambot resistant address!)

Support Staff

Casey is also relatively new to our organization and we have high expectations of her!
Email: (spambot resistant address!)