About Us
We design senior graduation trips to the destination of your choice and customized to your liking! We will keep your seniors busy and safe while having tons of fun!

Safe & Sober Tours is a division of
NorCal Group Associates, LLC. Based on integrity and a commitment to quality, NCGA LLC. contracts with the finest transportation companies and recreation outfitters having fantastic reputations and safety records. We take care of all the details and add special touches to ensure safe, enjoyable and memorable trips for all.
We will Design your Senior Trip to the destination of your choice, such as: Southern California, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Coeur d'Alene Idaho or elsewhere if you'd like ...customized to your liking!!! We will keep your Seniors busy and thrilled for as many hours as you'd like. Together with your class officers, we will create the "Best Graduation Trip Ever!!!"
Want Something Different? Call Your personal expert: Tammy at (530) 582-0146 or
tammy@safeandsobertours.com to Design YOUR custom trip!
CA Sellar of Travel CST# 2161184-40